Messages promoting non-violence and community safety developed by Alice Springs Town Camp women will be proudly on display as new signage is rolled out across Town Camps.

The Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group today unveiled the first sign displaying their NO TO VIOLENCE statement at Hidden Valley Town Camp.

The Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group project was initiated in response to issues around family safety on town camps and grew out of work undertaken by the Tangentyere Women’s Committee.

Women’s Committee Coordinator Barbara Shaw said the Group had been working hard to promote non-violence and the new signage would make sure the message was seen and heard.

“Town Campers are proactive in working and advocating to make our communities safer places and we are addressing family safety through a range of strategies,” Ms Shaw said.

“So far 23 Town Camp women have been trained in identifying family violence and the impacts of violence on women, children, men and their wider community.

“We have created resources such as help cards, safety plan guides and posters that support anti violence messages and are developing an engagement strategy that has the long term aim of changing attitudes to violence.

“This includes working closely with the Men’s Behaviour Change Program and the 4 Corners Men’s Council in their work supporting men to say No to family violence.

“The new signs are part of our work in spreading the message that violence has no place in our lives or on Town Camps.

“The strong statement against violence developed by the Women’s Committee has now been made into signs that will be installed in all Alice Springs Town Camps, with the support of the Northern Territory Government.

“We want our stance on community safety seen and heard and designing our own signage is one highly visible way of making sure our important message about saying NO TO VIOLENCE is there for everyone to see and understand.”